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About Us

Our Mission

NPOIS serves and supports low-income immigrant communities including vulnerable refugees and asylees to access their basic needs while transitioning into their new life in the United States. We provide assistance and access to unlimited resources, NON-LEGAL services, and referrals to access affordable housing, medical, education, immigration benefits, and more to overcome barriers so that they can participate in social, cultural, civic, and economic life in the United States.

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Our purpose is to facilitate and increase understanding of immigrants’ needs to receive appropriate services and information to address settlement, attain awareness of community and other resources to gain knowledge about life in the United States; referrals to language training if needed to acquire knowledge and skills for adapting to a new life in the United States.

Community connections play a vital role in participating in local labor markets such as employment-related skills and broader community and social networks. These support services will be connecting new immigrants and their families with broader community, public institutions, and other community organizations such as cross-cultural activities, mentoring, volunteering, and networking. Eligible/additional support services will include translation and interpretation services as well as individual and family consultations or counseling.

Our Vision

NPOIS is a 501 (C) (3) organization with a broad spectrum. NPOIS is a nonprofit with a broad spectrum of human services that is well known and respected in our community, committed to providing a wide range of services and resources to its clients. Through partnership and collaboration with academic institutions, government agencies, businesses and other , NPOIS is a leader that exemplifies the best in the nonprofit world.

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Our Values

We strive to deliver exceptional services and provide opportunities for growth to all our clients. At NPOIS, we encourage our clients to express their views and their voice to be heard no matter the differences; we value each other and respect the uniqueness of every individual. We are committed to being kind in keeping an open mind, appreciate differences and avoiding judgment. Continuous efforts for improvement is important to us. We are creative, we try new things, learn from others as we actively seek, provide and act on feedback.

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Permanent Residents of the United States (Green Card Holders), individuals who are selected inside or outside the United States to become Permanent Residents on (pending verifications), DACA recipients, DV lottery recipients, refugees who are protected persons outside United States and have been selected for resettlement in the United States and temporary foreign workers beneficiaries under TPS who are eligible for EAD of USCIS.

Note: Eligible persons include both the principal applicant and eligible dependents (spouse and children).

Agreement between User and www.npois.org

For facilitating the formulation including the collection, use of disclosure of information of policies and programs for which the organization is responsible. These terms and conditions will be implemented to both Arrangements and Agreements entered by Non-Profit Immigration Services programs.

Learn More about terms and conditions